Monday, June 29, 2009

Adding my resources to my blog

Well, here is possibly my last post. I have hopefully added my resources to my blog - time will tell, as it won't be updated until 2 July and is not working on Eastern Standard Time in Australia.
Okay - this has now become possibly my second last post, as I will need to log on again in a few days time to see if the resources are there!
The whole exercise has been interesting and very informative. I'm enjoying my Facebook account the most of everything that I have learned about or used so far, as I can use it to keep up with my friends & relations, many of those who are overseas. I'm not so keen on the online photo sharing - I just don't think the world wants to see my photos & I'm not really comfortable with the idea of my photos being out in the world. Wikis have many uses, and I will doubtlessly use them again in the workplace but probably for any other use. I'll continue checking my RSS feeds, just to see how useful they may be. I may even attempt to follow some more blogs, but be selective about them. The few that I have tried to follow have really annoyed me as the spelling, grammar & punctuation seem appalling and the content rather whinging. I know that not all of them are like that though.
Time to go for now.

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