Tuesday, April 28, 2009

social networking and more about my holidays

Social networking - once upon a time (in 2008 in fact) I was told that I would love having a Facebook page. In some ways this is true, I do enjoy catching up with friends and relatives who I don't see much, but in other ways it is another thing to feel guilty about not updating it...
I like the way that I can put one comment or photo up & everyone can read it at once - compared with individual emails. I like the casualness of it all, the lack of formality. I also enjoy the groups and quizzes - yes, I have become a fan of Fairy Bread.
Now for the holiday update - my road trip from Broome to Darwin begins this Sunday. 2 1/2 weeks driving, sticking to the highway, but visiting national parks and famous stuff on the way. I'll manage at least 1 post to this blog - but the holiday is really about getting away from it all.
We have Scrabble to play for when the conversation lapses, hopefully it won't cause too many arguments!

1 comment:

  1. Katy, looking forward to hearing about the road trip, what a great adventure and a month away is sheer luxury. See you soon
