Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hi to all my lovely followers, You will have seen that I am following my own blog - I did this in error (I did say that I am a beginner with this!) My blog is very humble when compared with some of the others, I shall have to learn how to add things to it, to make it all shiny and exciting.


  1. Dear Katy
    Clifden, alias Chris M. Has popped by to your blog and loved the wallpaper background. I'm afraid the blogging is a bit addictive and now I moved on to the photo sharing and put up some photos on flicker, weekends are turning into a blogging blur

  2. Dear Katy, I'm the the real dummy around here when it comes to blogging ...Do you think I can get rid off this "giulietta&amp" thingo?? I deleted that test blogg done with Giullietta some time ago but the name of the blogg still keeps popping up and haunting me like a ghost and reminding me each time how inept I am!!

    Re Chris M. comment ...I will never, ever, allow my weekends to turn into a bloggin blur way, just unthinkable!!

  3. Maybe it was just a blurr, not a bloggging blur!

  4. Dear Katy, hope you have a lovely holiday!
    I tried to sign in to be your Follower but was unsuccessful, could not work out all the right steps to follow! Tried to follow Karen C. and could not do that either! Maybe I am not meant to be a Follower .....
