Tuesday, April 21, 2009

more on wikis

I've been checking out a few wikis - some are definitely more interesting than others. I enjoyed the postcards on the Wisconsin Heritage wiki. My knowledge of the Milwaukee area was entirely from 1970s American television programs. I'm still not sure why anyone would send a postcard showing a factory with lots of smoke pouring from the chimneys, but I should try not to judge by modern standards.
I enjoyed some of the issues discussed on the LIS wiki - particularly ones about managing mobile (cell) phones in libraries - as this has been an issue of relevance to me.
Possible next generation catalogs was also interesting - seeing how other libraries are developing. Good to see the State Library of Tasmania represented.


  1. Dear Katy
    If you haven't left yet. I was following your idea of postcards on the Wisconsin Heritage wiki and stumbled on another blog on blogger of a postcard collector. That was fun. Have a nice holiday

  2. Actually found one of my own 'vintage' postcards called Milwaukee Skyline, ca. 1970. I think it had a view of the brewery.
